Escape From Devlog 2

Wuzzah!!! So it's been quite a long time since I've done a devlog; I just honestly forgot about it. Since a lot has happened since the last devlog, I won't get to most of it. I'm going to restrict myself to what was done recently.

I constructed a new dialogue system for the game. I'm pleased with how it turned out. The font is the default, and I will definitely switch it out for a custom font in the future. I've also added the character Estuary, the ship's safety AI.

Each map has a guiding character, which will mainly move the story forward.

While Estuary is not my first time writing a character, I don't have much writing experience. As such, her dialogue is subpar. I will definitely go back and redo her script.

Estuary has 67 frames, but I cut 40 of those frames, which means only 27 frames are actually used. However, while there is some animation, I'll be adding more during the polishing stage.

With that said, my next step is locking the doors so that player can't start the game before Estuary finishes her speech.